Check Pilot
- In-transit time: 25 hours
Flights: Phoenix to Philadelphia, to Rome, to Turin Italy
Seats: Middle, aisle, aisle
I’m the “check pilot” for the instructor that will do the actual teaching this week. My job is to back him up, help in the labs, and at the end, say if he’s able to teach this class on his own. But I know this person’s abilities and have no doubt he will do fine.
So I’ve got a long list of other things I can work on if that’s the case. I have a couple of “deep dives” I’ve been doing in classes. Each time, they get a little less rough and two of them are working quite well now. If I get the time, I will create the PowerPoint pages with “Instructor Notes” at the bottom so others can present them as well.
Shifting back to today and the long ride to Turin Italy, I’ve got two 4-5 hour batteries ready to go and, again, several things I could do while stuck in the seat.
Some passengers sleep across the ocean. I envy them because it just doesn’t work for me.
Instead, I’ll be the guy typing all night.
Ciao, baby!