36 Hours and Counting
- Posted: 9/29/11 (revised: 9/29/11)
- Category: Miscellaneous

It ends in 36 hours. That’s when the 100+ degree highs are finished for the year.
And with the arrival of “fall” (90 degree highs) comes the resurrection of the “Honey Do” list I’ve been banking for five months. Boy, am I gonna be busy!
- We’ve got two new posts at the end of the driveway needing electrical installed, all parts [that I’ve thought of] are on hand.
- Then, there’s either a total revamp of the front yard sprinkler system or scrape it naked, mound up some dirt here and there, hand-spread several tons of rock – don’t forget a drip system – and then add some desert plants in “attractive groupings, selected so something will always be in colorful bloom, but not in any artificial-looking or forced [unnatural] arrangement”. (Desert plants doing unnatural things. There’s a thought for ya.)
- Cut the bushes back from the house and get the house painted – once we settle on the colors. [Again.]
And that’s just what’s in my head. Wait till you see the written list – I’m thinking of moving it to a database next year and putting it “in the cloud”.
Maybe a temperature of 110 degrees isn’t that bad after all.