It Gets Worse, Much Worse
- Posted: 6/10/12 (revised: 6/10/12)
- Category: Family

By the time summer is over, I’m expecting this to grow by 50%.
We have a grass front and a grass back yard, both of which turn an ugly yellow if not watered daily.
And we currently have four adults, two dogs and one (very!) teenager in the house. Between soccer, friends and dates, the towel section of the clothes hamper fills up fast from her contributions alone.
“Hey, that’s a shower not a steam bath!”
It’s probably a dead heat for water usage between the yard, the shower and the clothes washer.
I’m thinkin’ real hard about desert landscaping and a lot of rock. The payback will take several years and the micro-climate around the house will be even hotter which means a higher electric bill, but at least the yard will look nice.
Do you prefer Jumping Chollas over Prickly Pears, or should we go for Yuccas and a Joshua Tree to accompany the Occotillo and Palo Verde? (Saguaros are so passe’, you know?)
Did’ja notice the $2.00 “State Mandated Jail Cost”?
I wonder if some of that goes for the pink underwear Sheriff Joe Arpaio gives (?) his tent city inmates? Speaking of which, can you imagine living in a canvas tent and working in the sun when it’s 115 degrees? That temperature will be here in a month. (All time record is 118 - set just last year, as I recall.)
Ya’ll be good … or else!