Emptying Brass
- Posted: 1/5/13 (revised: 1/5/13)
- Category: Bullseye

Then on Sunday, there’s a practice 2700 at the Phoenix club where we shoot considerably smaller targets as compared to those of the L Match. While my scores will be much lower, the L Match will serve as a good warm-up and ego booster.
All totalled, I should have a bunch of empty brass by Sunday dinner.
Then on Tuesday, I return to work and head to Denver for a class of twenty - got a round trip on Southwest for $65.00 - can you believe that? With that many in the classroom, it will be work, hard work, to both engage everyone but still maintain some semblance of a schedule so we finish the material on time. No dropping in on the ranges in the evening up there next week. It’ll be work, eat and sleep, nothing more, till I get back to Phoenix.
10s and Xs!