Number Nine, Number Nine, Number Nine, …
- Posted: 12/16/14 (revised: 12/16/14)
- Category: Miscellaneous

- 7:00AM Quick blog (hence, the total absence of profound – deal with it)
- 7:30AM Face rake, shower, teeth, clothes – yesterday’s jeans are fine but I’m two days into that shirt and going out in public; that has to change
- 8:00AM Road – Wow, so this is what “rush hour” is like – I remember this!
- 9:00AM Mayo Clinic, Prevnar 13 shot, ban the bad pneumonia
- 9:30AM Road (approx.)
- 10:30AM Walgreens – Decaf is on sale; clean ’em out
- 11:00AM … uhm, close enough – *s*l*o*w*l*y* fix something for lunch
- Noon - “Show up” at the office and try to look productive – when you’ve worked from home for twenty years, this is a total no-brainer
- 4:30PM - Knock off early. I’m retiring soon, you know?