December 29, 2005
I tried a slight modification to the approach I recently wrote about. Specifically, although I still try to release all thoughts and self-talk during a shot, after I’ve released the shot and lowered the gun, that’s when I do something different.
December 19, 2005
In the movie, Bull Durham, Tim Robbin’s character discovers that when he doesn’t think, he pitches better – a lot better. But knowing and doing are two different things. Indeed, after a couple of good pitches, Tim Robbin’s character gets cocky, starts thinking about what he’s throwing, and blows it.
November 25, 2005
Last Sunday night, after shooting the 50 foot targets for the NRA Postal where my unofficial score was 534-6 out of 600-40 (there is no X ring in the two 50 foot Slow Fire targets) with a 96-3 on one of the Rapid Fire targets – not too shabby for this Marksman – a couple of the shooters stuck around for an hour of air pistol.
November 16, 2005
“Yeah, maybe he can talk the talk, but can he walk the walk?”
November 9, 2005
Bullseye, or NRA Conventional Pistol, is a shooting at paper targets competition. Competitors stand side-by-side and fire at their respective targets from a variety of distances and with one or more different guns. Competitions can be brief and finished in a couple of hours, or span several days and include hundreds of shooters assigned to different squads (for scheduling purposes).
November 2, 2005
Here are some less-than-obvious values to good equipment.
- The bullet goes where the gun was aimed when the hammer was released.
That should be obvious but, as a beginner I knew my wobble was much worse than the inaccuracy of the gun. My “off the shelf” Springfield Armory “Mil-Spec” 1911 (the Parkerized version) would shoot a 6-8" group at 50 yards. That was good enough for scores of 8, 9, 10 and X. Pretty good.
October 26, 2005
October 23, 2005
When I arrived home after work Friday, there was a FedEx note hanging on the front door.
October 23, 2005
A Bullseye-L email list member wrote:
"It is an absolutely perfect sunny Saturday here in Northern California. Unfortunately, my wife has the flu....so I stay home doing my best imitation of Klinger.
Would a kind soul among the BE Listers please shoot 10 rounds for me on the short line and let me know how I did by the end of the day?"
I was happy to oblige as follows.
October 19, 2005
Okay, I’m convinced. My Springfield Armory “Mil-Spec” 1911 in Parkerized finish is becoming an impediment to my learning to shoot, but perhaps not in the way many would think.