
October 29, 2024
January 12, 2016
My Paternal Line

Henry Skinner, 1822-unknown is pictured here. He is my great, great-grandfather on my all-father’s line. Born in England, he lived in Pilton, a suburb of Barnstaple on the Atlantic Coast of Devon. Presumably from a few miles north of there in the aptly named village of Muddiford, he packed up his family and booked passage for one and all to Canada on a sailing ship.
September 14, 2015
Every generation remakes their immediate world. Dress, slang, music and social norms all change. Those changes then ripple downstream and the next, next generation builds, or deconstructs and refabricates, on that. After half a century, the 60 years olds say they hardly recognize the world while the even older generations say nothing. The world has become an alien place to them.
July 14, 2015
March 27, 2015
March 19, 2015

The shirt is one of many memorabilia I’ve collected over the years of Bullseye shooting at various clubs sandwiched in with business travels. It’s from the Old Colony club in Massachusetts. I was pleased to support their club through the nominal cost of this keepsake and while the Xs I shot that evening are long gone from my senior-ifying memory, the shirt lives on.
February 28, 2015
January 15, 2015
Ebby was cook on a river towboat. They ran barges on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; the work was hard and they ate well. Supplies would be radioed in a couple of hours before passing and then transferred from pilot (supply) boat to towboat without slowing. When Ebby’s biscuits were done, all work stopped except the wheelhouse.
December 22, 2014
December 17, 2014

I found what I think is a good briefing on the issues in an article (click here). It lists six stages: