
Build a Better Mine

January 26, 2013

This year’s flu, in spite of the preventative shots, has completed its round through our family.

Rainy Day in Phoenix

January 25, 2013
Peaceful rainy day.
You Guess

December 29, 2012
Tally the Score

December 24, 2012

We plan to have three sources of income when I retire: the IRA we’ve been building for several decades, an old style retirement fund from an employer many years ago, and Social Security.

One-Time Pad

December 5, 2012


A one-time pad is one of the best ways of making truly secret messages. Created and used correctly, it can be mathematically proven that it cannot be broken. While anyone looking at the ciphertext might easily guess it is a secret message, figuring out exactly what the cleartext says is truly impossible.

Word of the Day

November 16, 2012


(I don’t want to know.)

Write the lead last and break all the rules you wish.

A “bid” is an offer to buy something. The operative word here is offer. If you don’t win an auction with that offer, you don’t pay.

My Favorite Spam

September 23, 2012

On yesterday’s Autumnal Equinox post, I got this eloquent and grateful comment. (Apparently I saved his life!)

68 Degrees and Counting

September 22, 2012

Fall arrived two hours ago - that’s the Autumnal Equinox, when the length of the day has shortened to equal the length of the night. From here on, nights will be longer than days until next spring.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

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