
Hold Your Breath

November 6, 2012
"The Obama Promise:
1. Order anything you want;
2. The guy behind you pays;
3. Finish eating before the line empties; and
4. Get back in line and do it again.

The Obama Reality:
1. Order anything you want;
2. You pay for everyone in line;
3. They get your food; and
4. Get back in line and do it again."

(Extended variation on a post seen elsewhere.)

How the World Works

November 3, 2012

“Should” and “could” and “ought to”, or “owes” and “I’ve earned” are fruitless. If you follow them, you won’t thrive, you won’t be able to “do,” you won’t survive.

Dissenting Opinion

October 25, 2012

We are a country of individuals with individual rights. So too are the members of our higher courts.

But I will be watching the debate – it’s the best entertainment we’ve seen in years!

VP Debate

October 12, 2012

As a former debater, I love a good word-scrap. Last night’s Vice Presidential debate was, from that perspective, thrilling. Each side landed several good punches but the recipient always shook off the effects and charged back in.

"The main difference between Republicans and Democrats is the side of the check they sign."
Good News, Bad News

September 24, 2012

Did you get yours?

Constitution Week

September 21, 2012

The US Constitution replaced the earlier and by then clearly failing Articles of Confederation from a decade earlier. Among many criticisms of those Articles was the inability of the states to succeed at paying their collective debts, primarily loans from foreign governments that had funded our independence. In the absence of any strong common (federal) government, the confederated states had failed to make proper payments on their loans. Foreign governments were threatening the equivalent of foreclosure.

Dear Republican Party

September 20, 2012

We’re counting on you to beat the incumbent who seems hell-bent on destroying our way of life, but your candidate appears to need more hand-holding and coaching than he’s receiving. According to the various polls, this election isn’t gonna be a slam dunk and if you don’t make sure your candidate walks the walk and talks the talk, you’re gonna lose it.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

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