
Teach to Learn

March 7, 2012
"Qui docet, discet."
(He who teaches, learns.)

From the wide-range of questions asked in class, and owing to the research and experimentation I had to conduct to answer them, I’ve learned more about the software I teach than I ever did while applying it.

Ed Rasimus is a retired Air Force jet jock who now teaches history in public schools.


January 25, 2012

My recommendation is sincere: “Mandarin. Learn to speak and understand Mandarin.”

Two routes to get here, via Los Angeles or on secondaries, and two choices for the mode of transportation, flying or driving.


November 26, 2011

Curiosity is on it’s way this morning to Mars for the next eight months. Launched this morning atop an Atlas V vehicle, Curiosity is the size of a small car, several times the weight, and carries many times the scientific instruments of its predecessor rovers, Spirit and Opportunity.


November 16, 2011

I just love engineers.

Teach If You Know It

September 29, 2011
"Those who can teach, should. Those who can't, should sit down and stop embarrassing themselves."
Not a Good Start

September 20, 2011


  1. Badge lady in sour mood
  2. No paperwork for Visitor badge
  3. No cell phone number for company contact
  4. Equipment still in receiving two miles away
  5. Class arrives 30 minutes early
  6. Half of class does not have prerequisites
  7. Two people missing, two substitutes take seats and books, original people then arrive
  8. Equipment arrives six hours late
  9. Equipment freezes, no error message
  10. People responsible for equipment in earlier time zone already gone for the day
  11. Hotel happy hour cancelled
Too Many Chiefs

September 13, 2011

That’s the goal.

But, like many who teach these real short, intense seminars, we both have really big egos - what, who me? - and we both also love to be the unquestioned center of attention.

Midday yesterday, the twelve senior engineers flipped from skepticism to “how do I …?”


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

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