September 15, 2011

Outriggers is in southeast Houston, just over the bridge from the touristy Kemah. Located beneath that same bridge at the water’s edge with power lines crossing nearby, the bar does a huge business on Tuesday evenings with wait times as much as an hour. The reason? The two dollar tacos, fish or shrimp, grilled or blackened.
September 2, 2011
August 28, 2011
August 27, 2011
August 27, 2011
It’s an airplane day for me tomorrow. Hurricane Irene won’t affect me directly but there’s a strong chance it’ll disrupt some of the flights before I join them at an intermediate stop.
August 24, 2011
I just got word of a group that shoots Bullseye near Huntsville on Thursday night. I should get the details today and, perhaps, an invite.
August 22, 2011
Time: 3:45AM.
Scene: The bedroom. Total darkness.
[Ring, ring, ring… Anita scrabbling for phone – it’s on her side – we’re both instantly awake and wondering who died.]
August 21, 2011
October 14, 2010
Jim Henderson is serving us–that’s you and me as well as “US”–in Afghanistan.
June 26, 2010
About five years ago, the adult leader of the Boy Scouts of America troops in Phoenix said that the Arizona chapters had stopped their 100+ year old tradition of taking scouts out for camping trips to southern Arizona because “coyotes” with AK-47s were shepherding illegals into the scout camps and demanding food and water.