
Those who work in offices try to work in some enjoyment in the evenings and weekends.

A Civilized Game

August 16, 2008
Cricket and free beer (if you’re lucky)
AP in England

August 12, 2008

Yes, you can shoot in the England but, if you want to shoot handgun, it’s going to be either air pistol (AP) or black powder.

Sunday dinner, like all evening meals when I’m jet-lagging, is an appetizer. No more than that.

Long Ride Today

August 8, 2008

Phoenix to Charlotte, then Charlotte to Gatwick. That’s today’s agenda.

I have a business trip coming up at the end of August to the Pittsburgh area. With several weeks of advance notice like this, I can often work in a competition with my trip. Here’s how it goes…

My work has me on the road a lot and, when possible, I try to get in some range time. Here are the clubs and ranges I’ve visited, both here in Phoenix and while traveling.

The Newport (Rhode Island) Rifle Club has “Rapid Fire” and “Fun Shoot” events on Monday and Wednesday evenings at their indoor 50’ range. These events are Bob King’s doings and, largely if not completely because of his enthusiasm and twice-a-week support, they are quite a success.

Rented Space

Our classes – some would call them seminars – run two to four days and are presented in company conference rooms, ours and theirs, and meeting rooms in hotels.

I was really impressed with Atlanta.

The company at which I taught the four day class did not have any place to eat so I went out for lunch each day and was accompanied by some of the students on three of those days. One of them, John, had some strong ideas about places to go for lunch so I let him choose. I wasn’t disappointed.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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