

August 20, 2012

South central Tennessee

Moonshine Country

August 19, 2012

South central Tennessee, just off I-65, perhaps N 35.18519, W 86.86471 (click for bigger)

There are ten tables, one of which seats six, but that includes several deuces and a bar that seats four. At best, 45 customers at one time is the limit. It’s a small place.

Better BBQ

August 14, 2012

Chuck Wagon BBQ on Madison Blvd in Madison Alabama is a weekday, lunch-only place. I’ve been there on business trips to Huntsville for each of the past several years and they’ve never let me down. Expect a crowd, foam plates and plastic dinnerware. Lunch will be more than $10 but less than $20 - there’s a Krystal and McDonalds down the street if you can’t afford it but you’ll get no sympathy from me. This place is worth every penny.


August 13, 2012

In Arizona, we’d call this an “out of control sprinkler”.

It’s the deep south, East of the Mississippi, the land where I grew up.

Instant Redneck

August 11, 2012

“Hey Honey, look what I just learned how to open with my wedding ring!” Fail

August 11, 2012

I booked an eleventh hour - more like 11:30 PM - hotel room in Nashville last night but when I arrived at the property at midnight, they had no reservation. Worse, they were full, and had been for hours.

I love my iPad2 on long flights. Other than during takeoff and landing, I will often have it on the whole time. And while I have lots of “apps” for work and amusement, when it comes right down to it, I watch movies more than anything else while flying.

It is a tradition that wives and then children take on the father’s surname. While we could debate why this is, the fact remains it is now and has been for most of recorded history, a common practice.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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