
Time to do some planning.

“LSD” = Lemi-Shine and Detergent, a method of cleaning ammunition brass for reloading.

Here are my estimates for the ammunition needed for the Canton-McKinley Regional plus the Camp Perry Nationals, both of which I will be attending this year.

Two series of test loads have been fired downrange in the Ransom Rest in pursuit of an accurate load for some 155 grain Moly-coated LSWCs I have on-hand.

Fortunately, Hodgdon’s on-line database does and, better still, it includes loads for two powders I actually have on-hand, Hodgdons Clays and Winchester 231.

The ammo shortage recently had me checking my storage bins, drawers and shelves out in the garage.

After cleaning, some have suggested using the family oven but others have objected it may shorten the lifetime of the brass.

The cheapest way to get into reloading is the Lee Classic Loader (45 ACP shown here), $26.99 (in 2013) from midwayusa.com.
Be sure to verify the caliber before clicking the purchase button.

Boy, that’s different!

I finished the kit months ago but couldn’t get the black powder, especially the FFFF (or 4F) that’s recommended for the pan. That stuff is rare!

Easy Ammo Labels

March 10, 2013

Revised: 30 January 2014


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