
Start with two buckets for brass. Label them #1 and #2.

Measuring the crimp is arguably one of the most difficult measurements to take when reloading ammunition.

Bulge Be Gone

February 10, 2013

For some time (as in years) I’ve been having a rare but persistent problem when reloading. When the Dillon 650 places the shell in the first station, on rare occasion - 1 in 100 or 200 - the shell will be slightly out of position such that when the ram comes up to the sizing die, these shells will either “boom” into position as they carrom off the edge of the die, or if far enough out, they will be crushed.

Additional Comments

The Laser Target works best in a dimly-lit area.

There are two general processes to cleaning brass, the wet and the dry methods.

While this is easy to deal with in a competition – you have two hours for 60 shots plus your sighters, usually 10 or 20 – it’s distracting; it breaks my concentration. So I’d like to fix it.

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One-Time Pad

December 5, 2012


A one-time pad is one of the best ways of making truly secret messages. Created and used correctly, it can be mathematically proven that it cannot be broken. While anyone looking at the ciphertext might easily guess it is a secret message, figuring out exactly what the cleartext says is truly impossible.

45 ACP Brass Length

September 10, 2012

On-hand, I had five categories: brand new Starline, once-fired Remington, two flavors of “a few firings” (Winchester and Starline), and my practice brass that’s been fired and reloaded a dozen or so times.

It’s the process as much as the product. And by that I mean when, how much and where the product, any product, is used.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

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