
My Neighborhood

January 14, 2015

Picardy Place, later Picardy Street, is shaped like the letter “T” but laying down. In the picture, it’s slightly down and right of center.

You cock it with the handle and then “fire” a single chuff of air. A hand at the end of the barrel would feel the air but 12" farther out you’d hardly notice. Regardless, it made a nice loud “Bang!”

Family, Always Family

November 23, 2014

Terri is the middle child in our family. That’s her in the light-colored coat and hat in the foreground.

New App In Town

March 21, 2014

Here’s some text before and then after making changes suggested by a writing aid, Hemingway App.

The Rock

November 23, 2013

The Rock began in a tool room in the back of Bebop’s garage. It was three backyards and two fences from mine.

Gud Reitin

July 30, 2013
  1. Have a passion for the topic;
  2. Express that passion; and
  3. Keep the reader focused.

The first is obvious. Writing takes time and if you don’t care about something, you won’t spend the time.

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The Writer’s Curse

October 17, 2012

Anyone who writes for others on a regular basis knows perfection is impossible. The writer sees what should be there, not what is.


September 27, 2012

Clipped from spam this morning, I found this opening line for a story:

Evil Eye

April 19, 2012

I was shaving in the mirror when that happened. Looking up, I saw my right eye move. It had looked off to the side for a moment but then came back to the mirror an instant later. I had no idea what it had seen nor why it had looked over there.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

© Copyright 2025 by E D Skinner, All rights reserved