Maintenance: Style Guide

Disclaimer: Maintenance pages are for those who update this website. Nonetheless, everyone is free to look.

Typefaces (Font Families)

Three open-source, royalty-free fonts are used (from Google fonts):

  1. Kanit, sans serif, for headings and non-paragraph text,
  2. Noto Serif, serif, for most paragraph text, and
  3. Libre Baskerville, serif, for Preview (paragraph) text in Publications.

In addition:

  1. All other fonts are as defaulted by Bootstrap.

Table Styling

Add bootstrap styling in curly brackets immediately after all markdown tables:

| Item | Qty |
| --- | --- |
| Water, 1 gallon | 8.34 lbs. |
| Stainless steel media | 5 lbs. |
| Brass | 1.66 lbs. |
| Dawn (1 tbsp.) | negligible |
| Lemi Shine | negligible |
{ class="table table-success table-striped table-hover table-sm table-bordered" style="width: auto;" }


Water, 1 gallon8.34 lbs.
Stainless steel media5 lbs.
Brass1.66 lbs.
Dawn (1 tbsp.)negligible
Lemi Shinenegligible

Social-Media Sharing

“Sharing” of a page to social media has unique requirements for each of the destinations; facebook linking is different from that of twitter which, in turn, is different from MeWe, and not surprisingly email “sharing” has yet-another structure. This also suggests that each destination’s requirements may change over time necessitating some on-going maintenance.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

© Copyright 2025 by E D Skinner, All rights reserved