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Recent Additions
October 12, 2008
- In-transit time: 25 hours
Flights: Phoenix to Philadelphia, to Rome, to Turin Italy
Seats: Middle, aisle, aisle
I’m the “check pilot” for the instructor that will do the actual teaching this week. My job is to back him up, help in the labs, and at the end, say if he’s able to teach this class on his own. But I know this person’s abilities and have no doubt he will do fine.
October 10, 2008
I’m on a three part quest to answer the following questions.
October 6, 2008
Staying Out
Sometimes I stay “out” for two classes. For example, I recently had a Tuesday-Friday in the Washington DC area and then a Monday-Thursday near Boston. Rather than flying home to Arizona on a Saturday, doing the laundry and then flying back to the east coast and Boston on Sunday, I visited a local laundromat Friday night, did some sightseeing on Saturday and Sunday morning, and then flew up to Boston on Sunday. By skipping that round trip to Arizona and back, the company saved more than enough to pay for the weekend expenses, I got some additional rest, and I got to do some sightseeing.
September 14, 2008
Tomorrow (Monday) morning, I’m headed east, first to the Washington DC area to teach a four-day class, and then up to Boston MA for another four-day. Although Virginia, where I’ll actually be, is “friendly” enough that I could take my guns and get in some shooting, Boston is not. Decidedly so. Consequently, and since this is a single two-stop round trip, I’ll be travelling “without” for the next two weeks.
September 13, 2008
My teaching calendar has me in the Washington DC area next week for a four-day, then up to Boston MA for another four-day. The first is Tuesday through Friday while the second is a Monday through Thursday class; I could fly home over the weekend but it’s cheaper to just stay on the east coast. And it’s a lot easier on the body.
September 6, 2008
A holiday, an extra “sick” [of work] day, two days of “office” and one to figure out some demos for a web-based class, that was my week.
August 31, 2008
I absolutely love central Pennsylvania, from the southern border with Maryland all the way up to New York state. Every bit of it is gorgeous and the people are warm and friendly.
August 27, 2008
Those who work in offices try to work in some enjoyment in the evenings and weekends.