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Backyard 600

June 13, 2008
First things first. I called the City of Phoenix Police Department and asked if it was OK to shoot air pistols within the city limits.
Where does evil come from? “The devil made me do it,” is sometimes heard.
Cheap Glasses

May 29, 2008
I’m cheap. The less I spend on other things, the more I have for bullets.
From those of us who have … … never known the horrors of combat, … never had to find the courage to stay and fight, … not seen the limp corpse of a friend who was just himself 10 seconds ago, … not had to put our lives on the line “here and now”, … all our body parts intact, … never been struck by a blast wave, … never heard a bullet pass by, … never had to stop – kill – someone who was trying to kill us, … not been afraid to think of going home for what that thought might cause, … and most deeply, from those of us who, in our extreme ignorance, simply have no way of imagining what you have gone through and for what you have given us, We am truly, profoundly, grateful.
Steve Reiter, national champion Bullseye shooter many times over, is a stack of rocks.
Shiney brass makes for more Xs. It works like this. A shiney piece of brass will press a smoother surface onto the sides of the bullet.
Shooters learn Bullseye much the same way they do any other sport.
Brian Zins has won the US national bullseye (Conventional Pistol) competition at Camp Perry Ohio more times than most of us have shot Xs in a single target.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

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