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Scientists are undecided. Some say the universe is open-ended, that it will expand forever, and that entropy will ultimately win.
It’s About People

December 5, 2007
In a friend’s blog and in response to an on-going exchange about living in the USA versus elsewhere (see the replies to his [Thursday, Nov.
I’ve heard it said that the value of firearms increase over time, especially if they are cared for.

November 9, 2007
Guidelines from above: Master what you can. Help each other. Try not to hurt anyone.
Jesus and Violence

October 11, 2007
As they say, I’m conflicted. On the one hand I have the wherewithall, both mental and physical, both of which are God-given abilities, to protect myself.
Growing up I can remember how contentious, even confrontational, some of the churches seemed to be.
Do I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God?
Here is my answer to a predictable question. Do I believe in God?


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

© Copyright 2024 by E D Skinner, All rights reserved