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I am a Christian Open Theist. That means I have a powerful belief in the example, message and role of Christ, and that I believe God gave us true Free Will, that the future is not pre-ordained, that to a very large extent, what happens is up to us.
I travel for a living. My job often sends me out on a Monday and home again on Friday but sometimes there’s a Sunday “out” or a Saturday “back” day.
The Learning Process takes place in a couple of radically different phases.
2007 Desert Midwinter Bullseye Pictures
I’ve made some good progress this year. In my 2006 New Year’s resolution I said that “it will be nice to climb out of the Marksman ranks this year” and, effective 05/23/2006, I formally started competing in the Sharpshooter classification as per the NRA.
Feel the Wiggle

October 12, 2006
For what it may be worth, I learned something unexpected in dry-fire.
The Problem After loading several hundred rounds of ammunition not too long ago, I then discovered that two primers had been seated sideways and one upside down.
Bad Guns Lie!

October 1, 2006
I tested my two 1911s, the ball gun and the wadder, on a Ransom Rest today.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

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