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The heat last night was oppressive at the weekly Nighthawks league at the [Phoenix Rod and Gun Club][1].
There were eight shooters at last night’s Nighthawks league at the Phoenix Rod and Gun Club.
Ignoring the “first round flyers” (described in previous blog) which I think are an artifact of our test procedure, the group sizes and shapes I fired on the Ransom Rest this past Saturday in my factory-new (December 2004) Smith and Wesson Model 41 were:
We shot eight (8) brands of .22 ammunition at 50 yards yesterday before packing up around Noon when the temperature passed 105.
Joe and I will be doing some accuracy tests tomorrow at the Phoenix Rod and Gun Club.
It’s Coming

August 18, 2005
Some months ago I asked for help on this list [Bullseye-L] in my struggles with the 45.
My brass catcher consists of a three-legged folding, all metal music stand as the base and its telescoping tube for height adjustment (discarding the music holding top part), a wire frame made from VERY heavy gauge construction wire (from Lowes because Home Depot didn’t have anything stiff enough) that is stuffed into the top of the telescoping tube, and a laundry bag with drawstring and two five pound barbell exercise weights from Walmart.
As a relatively new shooter who is reading and thinking about this a lot, I think of the perfect shot process as something in a closed box that can be started and monitored but, left to its own, will continue on automatic and run to completion.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

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