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Recent Additions

Trash Can Snap Cap

February 3, 2005
Email posted to Bullseye-L If you’re looking for a reusable “snap cap” for your Smith & Wesson model 41, you might want to take a look at what I created.
Arm Strength

January 23, 2005
Email posted to Bullseye-L (long since defunct) I have been surprised to find out, and I’m maybe even a little embarassed to admit, how important arm, and especially shoulder, strength is in all this.
First Lesson

December 27, 2004
On the Monday after Christmas, I called Coach Pat [Dolan] at the phone number he’d given me during the Bullseye competition two months previously.
I bought a Smith and Wesson Model 41 .22 caliber target pistol (about this date) from Sportsman’s Warehouse in Phoenix AZ.
I sold both the Ruger .357 New Blackhawk and the Walther P-22 semi-automatic pistols at a gun show today.
I sent a letter of complaint to the Scottsdale Gun Club:
The P-22 arrived back from Walther and the rear sight is tight again.
The rear sight has worked itself loose. Walther will pay shipping both ways and complete the warranty repair so I’m out nothing but time … and fun at the range.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

© Copyright 2024 by E D Skinner, All rights reserved