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October 5, 2015
Outlaws are, by definition, outside the law. Laws don’t stop them. Passing new laws to stop criminals is foolish.
October 4, 2015
September 14, 2015
Every generation remakes their immediate world. Dress, slang, music and social norms all change. Those changes then ripple downstream and the next, next generation builds, or deconstructs and refabricates, on that. After half a century, the 60 years olds say they hardly recognize the world while the even older generations say nothing. The world has become an alien place to them.
September 8, 2015

Back when I was a working stiff – nine and a half months ago – I would watch movies on “pad” devices, iPad at first then Android later, during long airplane flights. Depending on the pad’s capacity, I could carry a dozen movies and a couple of seasons of “Rumpole of the Bailey”, one of my favorite British TV series. Most of these movies and TV episodes were “ripped” (copied) from DVDs we own. In many cases, the purchased media contained extras. These include trailers, behind the scenes segments and, on occasion, a version of the movie narrated by the director, cinematographer, producer and other insiders. Those are fun!
August 25, 2015
The Martian by Andy Weir, his first novel and soon to be a movie (click for trailer), was originally published on the author’s personal website without charge. You could read it free. That’s “free as in no money.”
August 1, 2015
When you travel to a place that uses a language you don’t know, things can be challenging. Where’s my hotel? Where can I get something to eat? What sign means “Bathroom” and which is which?
July 29, 2015
July 29, 2015
Ok, Ok, you’re right. It’s a new toy and I wanted to show it off. You’re absolutely right. But I learned some things and can do better on my next wire antenna.
July 17, 2015
Writing from the heart occurs in two distinct phases: spew, and then clean it up.
July 14, 2015