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Recent Additions
March 28, 2016
January 26, 2016
I drove two hours west from Phoenix last Saturday to Quartzite, Arizona for the swapfest at the end of 2016’s week long Quartzfest. The pickings were slim, however, and I came away empty handed.
January 16, 2016
January 14, 2016
January 12, 2016
My Paternal Line
Henry Skinner, 1822-unknown is pictured here. He is my great, great-grandfather on my all-father’s line. Born in England, he lived in Pilton, a suburb of Barnstaple on the Atlantic Coast of Devon. Presumably from a few miles north of there in the aptly named village of Muddiford, he packed up his family and booked passage for one and all to Canada on a sailing ship.
January 5, 2016
December 26, 2015
December 8, 2015
In the Facebook search bar, try “YourCity writers workshop”, substituting nearby city/area names. You’ll want to try several and note (pen and paper) the interesting ones for followup. In my case, I found four critique groups for writers.