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Bridge … Oh my!

October 6, 2015
Oh my, have they changed! Forty years ago, I worked for American Express and the first generation front-end network we designed and programmed was finally on-line.
Purpose of Laws

October 5, 2015
Outlaws are, by definition, outside the law. Laws don’t stop them.
It’s fall in Phoenix. Just a week ago it was 107.
A New World

September 14, 2015
Every generation remakes their immediate world. Dress, slang, music and social norms all change.

September 8, 2015
Back when I was a working stiff – nine and a half months ago – I would watch movies on “pad” devices, iPad at first then Android later, during long airplane flights.
The Martian by Andy Weir, his first novel and soon to be a movie (click for trailer), was originally published on the author’s personal website without charge.
When you travel to a place that uses a language you don’t know, things can be challenging.
In Vancouver, a naked man displayed a sitar before switching to, aiming, and plucking his banjo at Police officers.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

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