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January 15, 2015
Ebby was cook on a river towboat. They ran barges on the Mississippi and Ohio rivers; the work was hard and they ate well. Supplies would be radioed in a couple of hours before passing and then transferred from pilot (supply) boat to towboat without slowing. When Ebby’s biscuits were done, all work stopped except the wheelhouse.
January 14, 2015
January 11, 2015
January 3, 2015
December 31, 2014
Last day, 5:00PM: I’m out’a here.
December 31, 2014
December 30, 2014
December 29, 2014
- Everything in your computer is, at its lowest level, remembered as a set of binary “bits” each of which can be either a “1” or a “0” and if you arrange lots and lots AND LOTS of those together in just the right combination, you can see this web page on your LCD;
- How synapses between nerves work – they either conduct or they don’t, very much like those “1"s and “0"s in the computer; and
- Work-days I have left before retirement.
For the past fifty years I’ve been deeply involved with electronic computers and, over that period, no doubt you already know the growth has been enormous. But I can tell you that from an insider’s viewpoint, the growth is hundreds of times more than that. And it is bigger in ways that connect me to #2 above – the brain.