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“Monsoon” means a seasonal change in the prevailing winds. In Phoenix, that accounts for the first of our two rainy seasons, the one that occurs now in these summer months.
What makes Camp Perry special is the intense focus on one thing: accurate shooting.
Through the ‘scope, I could see only eight holes in my completed center-fire slow fire target.
Canton vs Perry

July 22, 2013
Canton and Perry are about as different as they can be.
Zot and Whoosh!

July 21, 2013
The weather is what makes, or more frequently breaks, the annual championships at Camp Perry Ohio.
… Sailor take warning. So the saying goes. Yesterday’s dawn in Indiana was as you see it.
If you are forced to defend yourself and regardless of what, if anything, you may have used to do so, heed this advice from an experienced professional.
As the pie chart shows, there are plenty to consider, and that’s without sub-dividing Christianity into its dozens of factions from the Bible-thumpers to those that barely mention Jesus, or breaking up Islam into the multitude of Jihadists versus peace-lovers in that rather significant slice.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

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