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Recent Additions


September 4, 2011
"The older I get, the more tolerant I become of strangeness, except when it objects to mine.

September 3, 2011
You probably don’t know the Red Baron Operating System, “R-Boss” (RBOS).
Links: Noodler’s Ink Lamy Pens Private Reserve Ink PenWorks (Cave Creek AZ)
FDA Helping the FAA

September 2, 2011
According to the headline, the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration – has certified an airplane to fly.
Finally, SUMMER!!!

September 1, 2011
In Phoenix, September starts SUMMER!!! That’s boldface, capital letters and three exclamation marks.
Locked Out

August 31, 2011
… and this is bad because? I’m switching from “Old cranky that overheats” running Winders XPat to “New and obscure that isn’t supposed to do that (overheating), at least not until I really need it” computer running Windows 7.
Back when 300 baud dial-up was new – yeah, that’s a long time ago, all right – we had a “guest” login to a mainframe where a friend worked.
Lots of Zeroes

August 28, 2011
"Ignorance is like the digit 0. You can fill your head with 'em, but you still know nothing.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

© Copyright 2024 by E D Skinner, All rights reserved