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August 13, 2008
I met Bob Brown once while on a business trip to San Diego. I stopped by his home a few days after he had offered to fix a nagging reliability problem with my 1911 wad gun. As I sat in his garage that day and watched him gently turn the chamber reamer and then witnessed the impossibly tiny metal shavings that resulted, we chatted.
August 12, 2008
Yes, you can shoot in the England but, if you want to shoot handgun, it’s going to be either air pistol (AP) or black powder.
August 11, 2008
August 8, 2008
Phoenix to Charlotte, then Charlotte to Gatwick. That’s today’s agenda.
August 4, 2008
Whenever we develop training materials with labs, we have to be sure everything can be reproduced in the classroom. This means that not only must the steps of the labs be verified, but also that the lab systems themselves have to be in the same initial configuration for each class. For the instructor, this means that one of his/her first jobs before starting a new class is to re-image the lab systems back to that initial configuration.
August 4, 2008
Primers and powder need to be stored in their original containers, but locked well away from grasping and naive hands. If you have the space and a place to get them from, many reloaders use lockers harvested from a local school. These are about a foot wide and five feet tall, and can be had as singles, pairs and so forth up to just about any width you might want. Each “locker” can be padlocked – and MasterLocks, probably among others, sells them in pairs set to a common key. (Try WalMart, for example.)
August 1, 2008
I have a business trip coming up at the end of August to the Pittsburgh area. With several weeks of advance notice like this, I can often work in a competition with my trip. Here’s how it goes…
July 26, 2008
My work has me on the road a lot and, when possible, I try to get in some range time. Here are the clubs and ranges I’ve visited, both here in Phoenix and while traveling.
July 24, 2008
Next week’s class is canceled or at least delayed for several weeks.
July 22, 2008
I’m home for a week after being out for two.