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Do you see it? Look at the top eight scores from today’s Center Fire championship:
Does your Slow Fire ranking predict your overall ranking on that same gun?
The squads have been rotated and Center Fire has begun. Some of the Slow Fire scores are posted here and click the match of interest – Center Fire includes #139-142 for the individual matches and then #102 for the Center Fire championship.
Report just in, “… it was really, really windy.” Apparently the wind picked up substantially in later relays and wreaked havoc with scores today.
Looking back at the scores now with all three relays reported, things look a little different.
In the first relay, James Henderson’s early start at one point back and then dogged persistence combined to earn him a two point edge in the overall 22 championship – but again, that’s only for the first relay.
6 “clean” pairs of targets (200 points) and 9 with 199.
The 22 caliber National Match Course (NMC) scores are in from the first relay.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

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