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“Boulder, Colorado.” There, in two words, you have the opposites.
Hopeless in New York

January 26, 2009
With some time to sightsee yesterday, I stopped by Roslyn Rifle and Revolver Club’s indoor range at 1130 Broadway, Westbury, NY 11590.
Comments such as this customer made are nice to get:
I usually avoid soap-boxing or cross-posting but, for the section quoted below, I will make the exception.
“Freedom”, as to how it has been defined and used in the United States, and by William Wallace, and by many others is a concept many do not understand.
My usual quota is 300 rounds in an evening, but starting about 2:00PM today and with two television breaks and another for dinner, I finished 1,000 rounds about 7:00PM.
Winter Fun

December 28, 2008
Some things change, some don’t. Heavy snowfalls on Picardy Place where I grew up meant no school, sometimes for several days, because Memphis Tennessee was in the mid-south–it had no snow removal equipment.

December 27, 2008
You can’t really tell one person’s story because, if you know them and they know others, there’s not one story, there are many, and they’re all intertwined.


EDSkinner.net began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from flat5.net (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

© Copyright 2024 by E D Skinner, All rights reserved