
Steve Reiter, national champion Bullseye shooter many times over, is a stack of rocks.
Shiney brass makes for more Xs. It works like this. A shiney piece of brass will press a smoother surface onto the sides of the bullet.
Shooters learn Bullseye much the same way they do any other sport.
Brian Zins has won the US national bullseye (Conventional Pistol) competition at Camp Perry Ohio more times than most of us have shot Xs in a single target.
It’s working. Six weeks ago I removed the red dots from all my guns because, with the dot, I found the urge to snatch a shot as the dot approached the “X” to be irresistable.
I’ve searched the New Testament. I’ve studied commentaries, read blogs and corresponded with some of the authors.
Greg Boyd is an advocate of Open Theism as am I, but He is also a strong believer in the authority of the Bible.
No More Dots!

February 21, 2008
It’s gonna be the hard way, now: Iron sights and nothing but.

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