March 19, 2008
Greg Boyd is an advocate of Open Theism as am I, but He is also a strong believer in the authority of the Bible. I am more skeptical of its authority but convinced, nonetheless, it has extraordinary value. I’m just not sure which parts of it I should apply in which situation in my life.
February 21, 2008
It’s gonna be the hard way, now: Iron sights and nothing but.
February 11, 2008
In the New International Version of the Bible:
I’ve read all of the translations available at the above website and there can be no doubt of Jesus’ intended meaning: If you are struck in the face, present your cheek to receive yet another strike, and if someone steals your coat, give him the shirt off your back, and never ask for either to be returned.
January 26, 2008
Don’t have an unloaded handgun to practice with? No problem. Here’s how to practice moving the trigger finger straight back. You can do this standing or sitting, any time day or night. All it needs is your attention and a credit card.
January 3, 2008
Inspiration is a great motivator.
I’ve shot Bullseye at a lot of clubs around the US and, in every case, there were better shooters than myself on the line. I’ve been whipped, and I’ve been whipped a lot.
January 2, 2008
Seven-eighths of the way through the first day of work after the Christmas and New Years holidays and it suddenly hit me why we like Bullseye.
December 15, 2007
Scientists are undecided.
Some say the universe is open-ended, that it will expand forever, and that entropy will ultimately win. Others say it is cyclic, that it started, and will end, with a bang.
December 5, 2007
In a friend’s blog and in response to an on-going exchange about living in the USA versus elsewhere (see the replies to his [Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007][1] entry), I made the following comment: