
Young Bucks

September 20, 2005
(Posted in by “edski”) I often practice at an indoor range in Scottsdale AZ.
First 2700

September 20, 2005
I competed in my first “2700” this past Sunday at 7:30AM along with seven other shooters.
It was “International” at Nighthawks league last night. The turnout was relatively small especially considering that the temperature had backed off from previous weeks.
Posted in a thread at as user edski. Time to reverse myself in this same thread.
The heat last night was oppressive at the weekly Nighthawks league at the [Phoenix Rod and Gun Club][1].
There were eight shooters at last night’s Nighthawks league at the Phoenix Rod and Gun Club.
Ignoring the “first round flyers” (described in previous blog) which I think are an artifact of our test procedure, the group sizes and shapes I fired on the Ransom Rest this past Saturday in my factory-new (December 2004) Smith and Wesson Model 41 were:
We shot eight (8) brands of .22 ammunition at 50 yards yesterday before packing up around Noon when the temperature passed 105.

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