
What’s the difference? (Count the flags.)

Hillary’s private email system is not subject to the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act).

So go the lyrics to a song from The Fantastics. I know because I sang them in a local production many years ago.

In a blog, that process means there were several premature publications of that article and, depending on when someone looked, they would see different versions with different thoughts and, sometimes, different conclusions.

The one-percenters are that portion of the US population that have an inordinate amount of wealth. Whether by inheritance, hard work or plain old luck perhaps by winning the lottery or hitting the “big one” at a Las Vegas slot, they have more money, a lot more money, than the rest of us.

Twelve Minutes

February 15, 2015

This evening, I came home to what was supposed to be an empty house.

Wise Blood

February 13, 2015

Last night, I watched “Wise Blood” (1979 film production) as derived from the Flannery O’Conner novel of the same name. I say derived because the time of the story has been changed and, after watching the film, I suspect other changes and omissions, enough that Flannery, were she still alive, might want to distance herself from this production.

For the past several years, I’ve been tasked with taking pictures of the Desert Midwinter competition in Phoenix and I’ve learned a couple of things others might find helpful.

The Real World

February 10, 2015

On the one hand there are those who, given the opportunity, would kill us without any thought of our individuality. “American” or “United States” or “Christian” is sufficient reason for them. I know. I’ve seen their stares and overheard their not-so-softly-spoken threats walking the streets of my world travels.

10 Years in Bullseye

February 9, 2015
  • It’s hard but can be done. The 7X target seen here was accomplished at the national championships in 2013. Looking at it two years later, I see only the 7Xs. I don’t see the 9, the 8 nor the 7. The person scoring this said, “Nice target!”
  • Upper-body strength is helpful with grip and wrist even more so but anyone can shoot an X, sometimes a lot of them.
  • For myself and many others, the attraction is more about the camaraderie with others than the targets, the guns or the shooting.
  • While it doesn’t have to be expensive, for most, Bullseye is not a cheap sport. As with other sports, the more you do it, the better you get, but unlike baseball, tennis or golf where you can use the same ball all day, when the gun goes “Bang!”, you’ve spent the bullet.
  • Bullseye shooters, if they stay with the sport, will reload their own ammunition, and do so for two reasons: first, each round is less expensive so they can shoot more, and secondly because they can tune the ammunition to a specific handgun for maximum accuracy.
  • Safety is paramount. If you forget and then hear someone complaining about what you just did, you will probably survive. Hopefully so will all of those around you. There’s no kidding around in this regard. None. Zero.
  • Most Bullseye shooters are politically conservative and, perhaps more so, libertarian in their overall leanings, but neither of those tendencies are universal.
  • Most Bullseye shooters are smart and relatively successful in life. And again while this is not universal, it is much more so than the previous generalization.
  • When taken as a whole, these observations may help explain why Bullseye or Conventional Pistol or Precision Pistol, depending on what you choose to call it, is a somewhat exclusive, some say elitist, sport.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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