March 30, 2015
For the past couple of years, television and popular science articles have been capitalizing this popular theory. It came about because movements on a galactic scale found Newtons law of universal gravitation (1687) as modified by Albert Einstein’s General Relativity (1915) to be inadequate. According to those theories, the galaxies do not have sufficient gravity for their observed sizes. They should fly apart.
March 27, 2015
March 19, 2015
The shirt is one of many memorabilia I’ve collected over the years of Bullseye shooting at various clubs sandwiched in with business travels. It’s from the Old Colony club in Massachusetts. I was pleased to support their club through the nominal cost of this keepsake and while the Xs I shot that evening are long gone from my senior-ifying memory, the shirt lives on.
March 18, 2015
March 15, 2015
After a 50 week hiatus for many reasons, I’m back to shooting Bullseye.
March 13, 2015
March 4, 2015
Hillary’s private email system is not subject to the FOIA (Freedom Of Information Act).
February 28, 2015