
Cock It Up

March 3, 2014
Can’t remember how to re-assemble your Ruger 22 target pistol?

March 2, 2014
If it touches the inner ring, you get that score.
Earlier this week I reloaded all the 45 ACP wadcutter ammo I’ll need (and then some) for this week’s Desert Midwinter 2014 competition.
A Fine Line

December 1, 2013
OK, this is going to be a fine line. The “link” included at the end of this post is to a publicly retrievable photograph on someone else’s web page, on Facebook to be precise.
The Rock

November 23, 2013
The Rock began in a tool room in the back of Bebop’s garage.
Customer Complaints

October 28, 2013
Customers will buy your product (or service) if they think it will help.
I didn’t, but hear my story. My first reloader was a Dillon Square Deal B, a progressive with auto-indexing bought used at a carport sale.
Global Hawk

October 6, 2013
The UAV flies at up to 60,000 feet and can “loiter” over an interesting location for 23 hours beaming live surveillance information to observers via satellite - the bulbous nose houses the steerable dish antenna that remains locked on the satellite to be used, some of which are in polar orbits and, therefore, in constant “motion " relative to Earth-side locations.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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