
Pasters vs Pasties

October 4, 2012
Here’s an aid to target shooting terminology: Pasters reduce visual distractions.
"The main difference between Republicans and Democrats is the side of the check they sign.

September 27, 2012
Clipped from spam this morning, I found this opening line for a story:
But after frolicking around the file system at a shell prompt for these past several weeks, freedom – with the baying of the hounds of Cupertino ever present – is not what I dreamt.
Good News, Bad News

September 24, 2012
Did you get yours? They’re illegal in the District of Columbia so don’t go driving past the White House – you could be fined $100 or locked up for 30 days.
My Favorite Spam

September 23, 2012
On yesterday’s Autumnal Equinox post, I got this eloquent and grateful comment.
68 Degrees and Counting

September 22, 2012
Fall arrived two hours ago - that’s the Autumnal Equinox, when the length of the day has shortened to equal the length of the night.
Constitution Week

September 21, 2012
The US Constitution replaced the earlier and by then clearly failing Articles of Confederation from a decade earlier.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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