May 10, 2012
Now, I am hardly going to purport myself smarter than Albert Einstein nor wiser than all of humanity which has struggled with issues of God and man’s role in a larger plan, or even that such a plan exists. But I am going to say that I differ from the conclusion above because it results from assumptions that are, in my opinion, incorrect. I think anyone who ascribes to scientific method and the application of logic might follow my thinking in this.
May 9, 2012
May 8, 2012
This image, with all camera controls on manual, is about 24 hours after the “super moon” maximum.
May 7, 2012
May 6, 2012
Taken with a tripod, manual exposure but, in the dark I didn’t record the settings, on a Fuji “too many controls” digital camera at “darn close” to the full moon moment. The image was cropped this morning and levels tweaked (well, “hammered” would be a better choice of terms) in Paint.Net, my favorite free image editing program. (Looks like I blew the focus. Or maybe, between enlargement in the camera and enlargement in Paint.Net, I’ve just run out of pixels. Regardless, it’s a done thing.)
May 5, 2012
May 4, 2012
May 3, 2012