
This image, with all camera controls on manual, is about 24 hours after the “super moon” maximum.
So far. But they say they’re like Accidental Discharges: If you haven’t had one yet, just wait.
Taken with a tripod, manual exposure but, in the dark I didn’t record the settings, on a Fuji “too many controls” digital camera at “darn close” to the full moon moment.
Had more good targets than bad. Three pasters for the 900 - I’m saving money on those (finally).
Cool! Einstein was noted for his thought experiments. He would think up a situation and then mentally chew on it for long periods of time.
Switched him from Chrome to IE. Had him configure his corporate proxy details.
Which is more important, where your energy comes from or the after-products from its generation and consumption?
Take the welfare check, take the handouts from the government and buy your cheeseburgers, watch your TV and grow fat and ineffectual.

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