August 31, 2011
… and this is bad because?
I’m switching from “Old cranky that overheats” running Winders XPat to “New and obscure that isn’t supposed to do that (overheating), at least not until I really need it” computer running Windows 7.whoKnowsWhat.What.What.
August 29, 2011
Back when 300 baud dial-up was new – yeah, that’s a long time ago, all right – we had a “guest” login to a mainframe where a friend worked. He had administrative privileges and, being the generous sort, we were “in”.

August 28, 2011
"Ignorance is like the digit 0. You can fill your head with 'em, but you still know nothing."
August 28, 2011
August 27, 2011
August 27, 2011
It’s an airplane day for me tomorrow. Hurricane Irene won’t affect me directly but there’s a strong chance it’ll disrupt some of the flights before I join them at an intermediate stop.
August 25, 2011
Midday yesterday, the twelve senior engineers flipped from skepticism to “how do I …?”

August 24, 2011
"So goes your grits, so goes your day."
August 24, 2011
I just got word of a group that shoots Bullseye near Huntsville on Thursday night. I should get the details today and, perhaps, an invite.
August 23, 2011
The following analogy captures the core of where I feel myself to be in my understanding.