
2700+300 Today

April 15, 2012
**Post Script ** ****Monday, April 16, 2012. My 22 was good and, at 842-20, well into my Expert classification.
A month ago – the last time I was at the range – I noticed that my wad gun shots were all hitting the target about 1-2" to the left of where I thought they should be.
Doubting Thomas

April 8, 2012
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”
Last Time Mode

April 7, 2012
hear that raucous alarm clock; use one of these paper thin bath towels; sneak a coffee out of the buffet breakfast because there’s none elsewhere; or wait for hours at a crowded airport gate before sitting for hours in a full airplane, and then wait a whole fricken’ hour at the luggage carousel where everyone jams up front even though the bags coming out aren’t from their flight.
Any reloaders try these products yet? I’m interested in the stainless steel media.

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