
Last Time Mode

April 7, 2012
  • hear that raucous alarm clock;
  • use one of these paper thin bath towels;
  • sneak a coffee out of the buffet breakfast because there’s none elsewhere; or
  • wait for hours at a crowded airport gate before sitting for hours in a full airplane, and then wait a whole fricken’ hour at the luggage carousel where everyone jams up front even though the bags coming out aren’t from their flight.

For a while, that is.

Any reloaders try these products yet? I’m interested in the stainless steel media. See for products - I’m thinking about the 5 lbs of media and, other than washing it occasionally to remove the dust, it should last forever. (But note they say it will not work in vibratory cleaners. You must tumble.)


April 5, 2012

“Favela” is the Portugeuse word for a slum, a shanty town often made of cobbled together wood and cardboard shelters with dirt walkways and terrible poverty. Long-standing favelas will migrate toward brick and mortar but this simply “hardens” the situation.

Geography Test

April 5, 2012

On a map with water, land, terrain but no other markings, how many of these can you place? (Some of these city names are in Portugeuse. Can you figure them out without resorting to a web-based translator?)

Two To Go

April 2, 2012

New equipment today. Do we have enough of the right power plug adapters? Was anything damaged in shipping? Will it all work?


April 1, 2012

I am the inspiration for Arnie’s character in the Hollywood fictional movie, “True Lies”.


March 29, 2012

All Springfield-Armory firearms begin in Brazil. (Paraphrased from Wikipedia.)

Still Here

March 29, 2012

Postings have slowed because 1) I’m tired in the evenings and 2) things that seemed different at first are starting to feel kind’a normal.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

Comments submitted on individual pages are subject to approval. General suggestions may be sent via the Contact page.

© Copyright 2025 by E D Skinner, All rights reserved