December 22, 2011
Open Source
Basically it means that the item, commonly a piece of software, is usually available in source code form, you can get a copy, read it, and modify it. It also says that, if you change it, you must also make those changes available to anyone and that you must do so without charging them anything.
December 18, 2011
December 15, 2011
December 3, 2011
December 2, 2011
Along a thirteen mile stretch of California 62 a few miles west of Vidal Junction, the highway runs beside both a railroad and an irrigation canal. There are no houses, no restaurants, no filling stations, not even any deserted shacks. Just the canal, the tracks and the road.
December 1, 2011
November 30, 2011
November 26, 2011
Curiosity is on it’s way this morning to Mars for the next eight months. Launched this morning atop an Atlas V vehicle, Curiosity is the size of a small car, several times the weight, and carries many times the scientific instruments of its predecessor rovers, Spirit and Opportunity.