

September 15, 2009

The following links, requiring a total of a little under 30 minutes of your time, describe the mechanics of the highest court’s operations.

No doubt you remember where you were and what you were doing when you first heard of the 9/11/2001 attacks.

Any split brass in that pile you are about to reload?

In ranked order,

  1. I enjoy the camaraderie. (18)
  2. I need the distraction it provides. (14)
  3. I get a thrill from the Bang! (10)
  4. I like to win, tied with I like being out of the house. (8)
  5. I like helping others shoot better. (7)
  6. I like being needed to help out, tied with It’s good exercise. (4)
  7. I don’t honestly know. (3)
  8. My boss/spouse isn’t there. (2)
  9. Habit, tied with I need the sun, and Other. (1)

Although the sampled number of shooters was small (23), I think most will agree the results are in-line with what they experience at the range.

Burning Man

August 19, 2009

A friend announced he was going to the Burning Man festival outside of Gerlach, Nevada. I knew he had been several times and, at $300/person, I wondered what the attraction might be. It’s hot out there in the desert, you know?

I’m reading a non-Bullseye book that has, nonetheless, a lot to say about how we succeed or fail at many aspects that directly contribute to our performance at the firing line.

A shot plan is the sequence of steps, physical and mental, that you go through when shooting. Top shooters use their shot plan to gain consistency of performance; if they follow the exact same steps for each shot, they will get the same results for each shot.

I’m mending well according to all the MDs seen today, 10 days after my ER visit. The orthopedic surgeon removed the stitches and said to “keep it clean” but to otherwise go on with things. And the infection MD moved me from the IV administered heavy-duty bug killer to a pill which should be sufficient from here on – the RN will come by the house tomorrow and remove the PICC line.

After packing the wife off for a family visit this past Saturday, I decided to give myself a visit to the Emergency Room.

For those who’ve followed the developing scores over the past several days, it’s been an exciting competition.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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