

August 24, 2011
"So goes your grits, so goes your day." Fast Eddie
I just got word of a group that shoots Bullseye near Huntsville on Thursday night.
Fish! Fresh Fish!

August 23, 2011
The following analogy captures the core of where I feel myself to be in my understanding.
Time: 3:45AM. Scene: The bedroom. Total darkness. [Ring, ring, ring… Anita scrabbling for phone – it’s on her side – we’re both instantly awake and wondering who died.
Into the Clouds

August 21, 2011
The Cloud seems like a good idea. You put pictures and files into the cloud and others can get them back out no matter where they are: New York, Scottsdale, at a McDonalds in Illinois or the Starbucks in Bucharest.
In a recent conference call for work, an Israeli immigrant to Canada said the United States was a democracy.
… is (again) exaggerated by the national news. The local news is more accustomed to this.
Everyday except Sunday begins by organizing my “To Do” list.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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