
The Wiring

March 11, 2011
East encompassed kindergarten through senior high school. The elementary, East Elementary School, had the right half of the building while the high schools, junior and senior collectively referred to as East High School, had the left.
The near-wealthy lived in Chickasaw Gardens just a few blocks from Picardy.
Calling The Line

February 26, 2011
"Attention! Attention on the line! Your three minute preparation time begins .
Red Oil

February 22, 2011
Another Bullseye enthusiast recently passed along his formula for “red oil”.
Consider the Numbers

February 22, 2011
Astronomers tell us there may be as many as 500 billion (500,000,000,000) galaxies out there.
What’s in a Word: Accuracy, Precision, Repeatbility, and Tolerance We expect that if our scale says a bullet weighs 202.
Brass Cleaning

January 4, 2011
Ok, Ok, it’s a boring subject, I know. But it’s gotta be done so let’s get this out’a the way.
Damp and chilly. Brrrr! The humidity was high and, with the cool 58 degrees, there was a decided chill to the air as we shot the Bullseye 900 last night.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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