
To those who have come before and to those now serving, you have my ever-increasing gratitude, and my solemn promise to perpetuate what you have given us.
… for your wadder’s recoil spring. Here are two 1911 recoil springs, one heavily used and the other brand new.
Flying Rats

October 30, 2010
If they could, statues would hate them. Statue cleaners surely do.

October 14, 2010
Jim Henderson is serving us–that’s you and me as well as “US”–in Afghanistan.
Expert At Last!

September 29, 2010
Back in May, I blogged that I’d shot well enough to earn an Outdoor Expert ranking.
Hot? Did someone say it’s hot in Arizona? And at the end of September?
Wow, what a turnout! We had a total of ten (10) shooters last night for the Nighthawks weekly event at the Phoenix Rod and Gun Club in spite of the unseasonal heat.
Follow Through

July 5, 2010
I went to the range yesterday, the 4th, for several reasons.

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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