
When I arrived home after work Friday, there was a FedEx note hanging on the front door.

Surrogate Shooting

October 23, 2005

A Bullseye-L email list member wrote:

"It is an absolutely perfect sunny Saturday here in Northern California. Unfortunately, my wife has the I stay home doing my best imitation of Klinger.

Would a kind soul among the BE Listers please shoot 10 rounds for me on the short line and let me know how I did by the end of the day?"

I was happy to oblige as follows.

Wad Gun

October 19, 2005

Okay, I’m convinced. My Springfield Armory “Mil-Spec” 1911 in Parkerized finish is becoming an impediment to my learning to shoot, but perhaps not in the way many would think.

Shipping Gun(s)

October 13, 2005

I shipped my Smith & Wesson Model 41 (22LR) target pistol back to the manufacturer earlier this week. The extractor hook had gone missing for the second time in less than a year and I had decided to exercise S&W’s warranty and let them have a look.

It’s Broke!

October 5, 2005

The 41 wasn’t dirty, it was broken.

I purchased a slightly oversize nylon brush (25 cal.) to scrub the chamber and, when I took the gun apart to apply it, I discovered that the extractor hook was gone!

From Email to a shooter asking several questions including why some of his shots hit up and right of center.

Well, I thought that gun was clean but, brother, did I miss a spot – at least that’s what I think is causing so much trouble.

Young Bucks

September 20, 2005

(Posted in by “edski”)

I often practice at an indoor range in Scottsdale AZ. It’s a very nice place and draws a wide range of clients including many LEOs as well as airline pilots practicing for their qualifications. And while I enjoy observing and talking with these shooters, I must confess there is another moment I enjoy even more.

First 2700

September 20, 2005

I competed in my first “2700” this past Sunday at 7:30AM along with seven other shooters. This was an NRA Approved competition so my scores would contribute to my initial ranking by the NRA.

Stinkin’ Thinkin’

September 14, 2005

It was “International” at Nighthawks league last night. The turnout was relatively small especially considering that the temperature had backed off from previous weeks.

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