September 4, 2012
Today - er, make that Sunday last - was “test magazines” day.
July 13, 2012
July 5, 2012
It’s the process as much as the product. And by that I mean when, how much and where the product, any product, is used.
June 9, 2012
Do you ever ask questions like these?
- When did I last replace the recoil spring in the wad gun and does it run best with 11 or 12 pounds for my current load?
- How long have I had this S&W Model 41 and what did I pay for it new? And when did I get the shorter barrel that I now prefer?
- How long has it been since I gave the ball gun a complete tear down and cleaning?
- My backup 22 (a Ruger Mk III,Volquartsen trigger) looks clean but have I fouled the barrel yet?
In the past, I’ve jotted notes in my shooting log that would let me figure these things out. But since it’s one book for many guns, finding some detail about a specific firearm means a lot of page flipping. And, if the detail doesn’t jump out, does that mean I missed it or did I just forget to put it in there in the first place?
March 29, 2012
March 4, 2012
This is the third of a five part series.
In this part we look at Cartridge Overall Length (COL) and crimp to discover what tolerance is recommended and whether or not we can get accurate measurements with the available instruments.
March 2, 2012
November 12, 2011
Eight months.
It’s been eight months since I’ve shot a handgun.