Air Travel
January 19, 2017
2023 Addendum
Officially, I am now a “cancer survivor.”
If you’re facing something like this, take heart. It is hard, but the doctors are great, the nurses wonderful, and the technology is fabulous.
July 13, 2009
The Pelican 0450 is available with a standard set of drawers (one deep, six shallow) or in an open, you-design-the-combination configuration. Although not inexpensive, this could be the ultimate pistol box for travelers.
August 1, 2008
I have a business trip coming up at the end of August to the Pittsburgh area. With several weeks of advance notice like this, I can often work in a competition with my trip. Here’s how it goes…
June 27, 2008
Step 1: Check the local laws for where you are going and make sure you are 100% in compliance.
May 25, 2007
I travel for a living. My job often sends me out on a Monday and home again on Friday but sometimes there’s a Sunday “out” or a Saturday “back” day. As such, it’s difficult for me to shoot the Tuesday evening Nighthawks here in Phoenix. Worse, I often miss the once-a-month 2700s on Sundays when an outbound leg starts with a mid-afternoon flight.