
The cheapest way to get into reloading is the Lee Classic Loader (45 ACP shown here), $26.99 (in 2013) from
Be sure to verify the caliber before clicking the purchase button.

Here are some tips and a summary of some key parts of that written process, many of which apply to the Dillon 650, and some tips that may apply to any reloading effort regardless of brand.

Reloading Tips

October 14, 2012

In no particular order, here they are.

This is the last of a five part series on tolerances in reloading.

This is the fourth of a five part series on tolerances in ammunition reloading.

This is the third of a five part series.

In this part we look at Cartridge Overall Length (COL) and crimp to discover what tolerance is recommended and whether or not we can get accurate measurements with the available instruments.

This is the second of a five part series on tolerance in reloading.

Mixed Bag

June 15, 2009

Here are some scattered notes and comments from today.

I didn’t shoot very well in today’s 2700. All my scores were down at the low-end of where I’ve been shooting. The bad news is this was an Authorized match and the scores count so I’ll be in Outdoor Sharpshooter land for a while. The good news is that’s where I *should* be competing, that’s where I *need* to be working, and doing the things I did today (shooting, not quitting, re-focusing on basics) is what will *eventually* let me learn what I need to know to advance. Patience!

Hot Stuff!

February 11, 2009

In the chronographing of various ammunitions and guns a few days ago I recorded the following five-shot string:

History began in 2023. Fiction and non-fiction publications are included as well as (blog) posts and supplemental materials from (2004-present).

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